Tuesday, January 05, 2010




1.srie pathie
3.nur shazana
4.ahmad syafiq
5.nadya amin
6.nita kaur nanua
7.ahmad fahmi
8.fakhrul radzi
9.ali luthfi
10.siti nurhafizah
11.ababil ashari

3.inani zalikha
5.amer hallimin
7.siti hajar
9.arvin thiruchelvam
11.pratiwi dewi putri

1.ahmad zulhazwan
2.muhammad akmal
5.azwan mohamad
6.muhammad hanif
7.ahmad hazim
8.mohd farid
9.izyan dhaniah
10.siti nor asiah
11.haliza syamimi

2.adib mursyidi
3.nur irika
6.ahmad naqiuddin
9.noor zahidah
10.nur ikram

1.nindya zanaria
3.mohd faizal faidhi
4.muhammad khalis
5.nik hani
6.fatin amirah
7.mohd hafiz
8.khairi fatimah
9.muhammad iqbal yuniar
10.michelle vincentia liem


1.mohd khairul nizam
2.noor ashikin
3.fairuz nazilah
4.nor izdihar
5.naadira faaiza
6.ahmad zulfahmi
8.micheal pellitini
9.mohd reza
11.siti nadirah

1.siti tahirah
2.khairul hafidz alkhair
3.adiba wahidah
7.nurul nadiah
8.hoo hui may
9.noor adillah
10.ernesta louise danny
11.nur fatihah

1.muhammad aizat
3. mohd fuad
4.mohd fikry
5.nur niswaniyy
9.noor adlin
10.nor idyani
11.mohd nazzierul syazwan

1.darshan krishna kumar
2.nor shafikah diana
3.mohd nizam
4.raja muhd fadhlan
6.mohd hakim
8.sri arun
11.reena kaur

tahniah kpd yg bjaya tersenarai d dlm grup F.anda tlh memenangi 1 blok blh tiru/amik trus assignment lab bdk2 grup E.hehe~XP

before we proceed with GUS,lets strive for MDE GIS this monday!goodluck and all d best!

t8 cr!

Etika VII

For 1-3
a. enabling
b. advocacy
c. mediating
d. reorient health service
e. strengthen community action

1. Taking action in partnership with individuals or groups to empower them through mobilization of human and material resources A
2. The role of health sector to move increasingly in health promotion, beyond its responsibility in clinical and curative service D

3. One of five health promotion actions is developing personal skills, means:
a. individual apply the skills & resources in collective efforts to address health priorities & meet their respective health needs
b. increases the options available to people to exercise more control over their own health
c. generates living & working environment that are safe, stimulating & enjoyable
d. an explicit concern for health & equity in all areas of policy
e. a change of attitude & organization of health service

For 4-5
a. vision of health promotion
b. mission of health promotion
c. goal of health promotion
d. health promotion
e. health education

4. To make healthy choices easy, early and exciting, everywhere B
5. Comprehensive social & political process to strengthen skills & capabilities of individuals and to change social, environmental & economic condition that impacted on public & individual health D

6. Pria 40 tahun pasien liver failure mengalami esophageal bleeding, akan ditransplantasi dengan liver sepupunya. Informed consent to?
a. his parents
b. his spouse
d. family relatives
e. her parents (mertua?)

7. Kasus di atas berhubungan dengan prinsip bioetik yg mana?
a. beneficence
b. non maleficence
c. autonomy
d. justice
e. dignity

8. In relation with the principal of utility, WOTF is to be explained to the spouse & donor during informed consent for the liver transplantation procedure in patient above?
a. the protocol for donor selection
b. the protocol for preparing the recipient
c. the risk & benefit of living related transplantation
d. social context of living related donor
e. the risk & benefit for donor & recipient

9. Male 25 y o diagnose as having colorectal cancer and on genetic analysis confirmed to suffer from hereditary gene. If his brotherand children are to be screening for colorectal cancer. The ethic issue will rise?
a. informed consent would be an important issue
b. confidentiality
c. won’t be difficult to find a job in social context
d. genetic counseling is important
e. health insurance would cover the money for screening

10. 25 yeras old, P0A0 diagnosis sigmoid colon cancer, advised for surgery and chemoterapi. Ternyata sedang hamil 5 bulan. Dia disarankan u/ menggugurkan kandungan. WOTF the best choice?
a. gugurkan kandungan, in vitro fertilization sebelum aborsi dgn sperma dari suami
b. jangan diaborsi, surgery ditunda sampai melahirkan
c. surgery + kemo dilakukan, kehamilan dipertahankan
d. kehamilan diterminasi secepatnya
e. aborsi tidak perlu dilakukan karena surgery is safe dilakukan saat hamil, tapi kemoterapi ditunda sampai setelah melahirkan

11. Anak umur 9 bulan, orang tua menolak u/ diimunisasi campak karena khawatir tentang efek sampingnya. Apa yg harus dilakukan dokter?
a. dokter mengimunisasi walau tanpa informed consent ortu
b. dokter memaksa u/ mengimunisasi anak
c. dokter memberi tahu risiko-benefit u/ meyakinkan orut
d. dokter harus berpikir & melakukan yg terbaik u/ anak
e. dokter berusaha mendapatkan informed consent ortu dgn menjelaskan risiko-benefit imunisasi u/ anak dan lingkungannya

12. Pasien anak profuse diarrhea. Orang tua minta kita u/ memberikan obat spasmolitik u/ mengurangi diarenya, tapi kita tahu obat itu bisa menyebabkan adynamic ileus yg berbahaya bagi anak. What should we do?

13. Based on the Health Belief Model theory, one’s belief in the efficacy of the advised action to reduce risk or seriousness of impact is called?
a. perceived seriousness
b. perceived susceptibility
c. perceived benefits
d. perceived threats
e. perceived barriers

14. This model of behavior change was developed based on the premise “behavior change is a process, not an event”:
a. transtheorical model
b. motivation theory
c. social learning theory
d. health belief model
e. reason-action theory

15. This theory explains why individuals participate in public health program:
a. transtheorical model
b. motivation theory
c. social learning theory
d. health belief model
e. reason-action theory

16. Social influences vary in strength related to degree to which individual values, social approved by a particular group. Person belief about what other people think is:
a. normative belief
b. behavior belief
c. control belief
d. motivation to comply
e. perceived power

17. Based on Transtheorical Theory, there are 6 stages of change. Contemplation is:
a. stage person make serious commitment to change in the next 6 months
b. stage person considers making a change to a specific behavior in the next 6 months
c. stage person has no intention to take action within next 6 months
d. stage person has changed overt behavior for less than 6 months
e. stage person has changed overt behavior for more than 6 months

18. Purpose of counseling: Encourage people to think about their problem and take action to solve it

19. To see how the environment and family situation might affect a person behavior, the health provider can use this type of counseling:
a. counseling with family
b. home visit
c. counseling with patient
d. community counseling
e. doctor-patient counseling

20. What is empathy?
a. feel sorrow or pity for person’s problem
b. encourage people to think about their problem
c. understand and acceptance for person’s feeling
d. respect privacy
e. share information and ideas which people needs to make a decision

21. What is participation in counseling means?
a. feel sorrow or pity for person’s problem
b. encourage people to make the best choice
c. understand and acceptance for person’s feeling
d. respect privacy
e. share information and ideas which people needs to make a decision

For 22-24
a. locality development
b. social action
c. social planning
d. diffusion
e. innovation

22. Characterized by both a concern for processes which build community capacity and with achievement of tangible in a community of the most disadvantage C
23. Perceived newness of an idea regardless its first use or discovery E
24. Community participation and ownership of issue (strongly process-oriented, focusing on consensus and building community capacity to define and solve community problems) A

25. The population that most conservative and resistant to the introduction of new ideas:
a. laggard
b. late majority
c. early majority
d. early adopter
e. innovator

For 26-27
a. panel discussion
b. buzz discussion
c. seminar
d. socio drama
e. role playing

26. Large groups of students are divided into smaller groups of about 4, discussing for short time period (5 mnt), create openness between participants B
27. Imitate real problem in community by interesting story to make information easy to understand D

For 28-29
a. enabling
b. advocacy
c. mediating
d. reorient health service
e. strengthen community action

28. Taking action in partnership with individuals or groups to empower them through mobilization of human and material resources E
29. The role of health sector to move increasingly in health promotion, beyond its responsibility in clinical and curative service D

30. One of five health promotion actions is developing personal skills, means:
a. individual apply the skills & resources in collective efforts to address health priorities & meet their respective health needs
b. increases the options available to people to exercise more control over their own health
c. generates living & working environment that are safe, stimulating & enjoyable
d. an explicit concern for health & equity in all areas of policy
e. a change of attitude & organization of health service

p/s:some of answer maybe wrong. so,please recheck and rajin-rajinlah ye comment bagi jawapan yang betul.