this stuff comes from many source.thankz! to minah,awang seniors dll.n they r from previous years ny krg pandai2 la bt ptimbangan sniri.oke.
ni yg dh nek for 2 consecutive years:
- ECG normal
- ECG abnormal (ada yg kt either MI or enlargement shj,no arrhythmia)
- traction
- suturing
- IM injection (gluteus maximus n mannequin yg buzz bl slh cucuk)
yg lg 2 ni additional but nmpk gaya mcm wjb jgklah:
- HT HIS anemia/bleeding/malignancy
kn ada a few cases,so da akn naik cyanosis eg. chest pain.n d probability is dia akn tukar d case for each day.
ni adalah sisa2 yg TINGGI kbarangkalian akn naik:
- Sahli method
- CPR peds
- WBC differential count OR
- WBC count
- PE ENT: akn dpt real patient.kl last yr they hv to check whether perforated ear ke x.ramai fail sbb diagnosis careful
- HT dermatology OR
- PE dermatology
- wound toilet & debridement
- HT allergic OR
- PE allergic
- PE of heart:last yr JVP
dats kind of REMINDER di sini bahawasanya ni smua bdsrkn previous years.n i dont warrant case nek 1st day leh exclude utk 1st 5 tu insyaAllah mmg utk everyday.akhir kata,slmt study-goodluck- dan jmpk lg jumaat nnt!hehe~
t8 cr!
p/s:anyone with any info plz add,correct or whatever u ve to do.
p/s2:kpd yg dh ada planning nk g jenjalan ke blk ke aftr remedial osce,igt PASS ur OSCEs leh enjoy.XP
p/s3:n kl aq or sesapa rajin silalah update esok n d next day.hehe~
p/s4:just fight for all As for OSCE!thats all FK asked from us.XD